BREAK: How to Write Your Divorce Story (Guide)


Purchase a downloadable PDF guide to write your divorce story. Write your truth to power. Your divorce story can affect the legal, financial, and emotional outcome of your divorce.

Disclaimer: discuss the divorce story and your legal file with your lawyer.

 For additional support get the BREAK: How to Write Your Divorce story guide + workbook bundle.


  1. Jade Chang

    Dr. Stephanie Han is an expert who speaks from both her research and learnings as well as her own personal experience.. she has walked the walk and aspires to help all women, especially minority women, rise up, gain independence and work towards being in a better place personally and financially. I highly recommend taking a little time to read Dr. Han’s guide if you are contemplating or in the midst of your divorce story!

  2. Diann Rowland

    This course changed my life and saved me a lot of heartache through my divorce proceedings. It was empowering to put in writing what I was experiencing and help me process the information in an objective manner.

  3. A Rebirth in Manhattan

    I write and re-write my story as my kind of yoga practice and often turn to this guide to keep me on track. Some days are tougher than others but with Dr. Han’s steady guidance l was able to walk through the storm. Thank you!

  4. Sujatha raman

    An invaluable resource for all women going through divorce . Based on personal experience this authentic guide is empowering.

  5. Margaret M.

    I highly recommend this book to women who have experienced, are entering, or are in the midst of divorce. It asks us to confront ourselves and the truth of our marriage, whilst critiquing the social and economic order that disadvantages us. Dr. Han’s own stories, told with such loving honesty, together with guiding questions she poses at the end each chapter, help us to do just that, step by step. But this process is not only for finding inner resources and emotional courage as we go through divorce. Dr. Han reminds women that marriage is a legal contract, and when you plan for its end, you must negotiate! The Divorce Story Structure provides the scaffolding to write, reflect and learn, and in writing our divorce stories we can heal and find our freedom. At the end, Dr. Han’s Divorce Manifesto explodes with so much love, power and wisdom that you will want to read it daily!

  6. Nahal Rodieck

    Dr. Han’s narration is rooted in her own journey and her clear and articulated approach to understanding identity. Our autonomy as women is made of numerous contributing factors found in our culture and family’s lives.
    She helps us understand how to navigate the challenges of change and to found our autonomy once again.
    An invaluable resource for women everywhere.

  7. Carol S.

    Though I have no need or desire to divorce my husband of 58 years, I found Dr. Han’s suggestions to examine the explicit and implicit narratives that have governed my life as a married woman to be a mysterious place that I want to explore, and her guidance on how to write that search process down, to be read and reread, if only by myself, is valuable beyond measure.

  8. Mana

    Dr. Stephanie Han is neither a therapist nor an attorney– she is is a insightful, strong and wise woman who has generously shared her learnings from her own divorce to empower other women by providing a structure to record the facts and feelings of what led them to seek divorce. I don’t know of another writing teacher who specializes in this area, and I highly recommend this guide as a way to feel organized and confident as you enter the divorce process.

  9. B. Jean L.

    As a result of her own divorce, Dr. Han has developed a powerful step by step path enabling her reader to identify her own TRUTH, experience renewal, as she writes her deeply personal divorce narrative, and in so doing build a confident new life for herself …….HEALED.

  10. A Friend for Life

    In this guide, Stephanie shares her superpower of witnessing the stories of women during a time of profound change. The legal process of divorce is incredibly limited and not designed to support the emotional healing most women crave. Stephanie has designed a unique process to support women as they reclaim their stories and their healing experience.

  11. Toni Ann Johnson

    Dr. Stephanie Han’s How to Write Your Divorce Story is an excellent guide for women to organize the overwhelming thoughts, feelings, and struggles into clear, understandable pieces that will lead them more productively through the dissolution process. I highly recommend this short, yet empowering guide.

  12. Heather

    Dr. Stephanie Han’s BREAK: How to Write Your Divorce Story offers sincere and steady clarity from an informed voice. It was a valuable companion on my journey to critically, justly, and compassionately (compassion for myself and for others) process my own break from my husband and look toward my future. The step-by-step guide is accessible, thought-provoking, and covers the spectrum of topics that need to be considered in this process. There is no other resource like this out there. I highly recommend it for anyone on the path to reclaiming and re-storying their lives.

  13. S. Lee

    During the tempest of my divorce, Dr. Stephanie Han’s guidance was a lifeline. Her expertise in helping women craft their divorce stories provided a much-needed anchor as my existence was unraveling–both the life I had curated and my role as a spouse and parent.

    Through her clear counsel and insights, I discovered a powerful voice, one that transcended the confines of my personal narrative. With her help, I was able to dissect the myths that had clouded my understanding of myself and dismantle the harmful narratives I had internalized. During one’s life, there are times one falls apart and comes back together again. Dr. Stephanie’s work and guidance was vital in helping me come back together. This transformative process empowered me to reflect on my experiences with a newfound sense of strength and clarity.

    Dr. Han’s authentic approach, born from her own personal journey, resonated deeply with me. I believe her work is invaluable for anyone navigating the complexities of divorce or life. Her guidance helped me not only survive but emerge stronger, and I am eternally grateful for her support.

  14. A. James

    Navigating divorce can be daunting, but “Break: How to Write Your Divorce Story” by Dr. Stephanie Han offers a refreshing approach. This empowering journal, sprinkled with humor, guides readers through the emotional landscape of separation. Each chapter provides insightful guidance in manageable segments, encouraging reflection and self-discovery. Through this process, readers can gain clarity about what really matters to them and reclaim their narrative amidst the emotional upheaval that often accompanies divorce.

  15. Patricia S.

    “BREAK: How to Write Your Divorce story guide” served as an indispensable crutch, helping me regain my balance amidst the chaos of my messy divorce. Following it, I was able to write my own narrative and find solace through the process.
    I highly recommend for any woman seeking support and direction

  16. Deborah Harada

    The chaos and upheaval of divorce creates a stormy wake that we feel for years. Stephanie’s guide to writing your divorce story is not only sensible from a legal standpoint, it’s healing. Having a vessel to put my story, knowing it was safe and something I could come back to made a lot of sense. Writing things out frees us up to move forward. It’s a way of taking our power back so we can move on. Having a step by step guide takes away the fear of the blank page. I highly recommend working with Stephanie and using the guide. She’s sharp, empathetic and straightforward. You’ll gain a lot from her experience and kindness–and from using your voice, writing out your story!

  17. Celest Woo

    I’ve taken two of Stephanie’s superb courses, and even as a fellow English professor and extremely experienced writing teacher myself, I have found her courses to be invaluable. I’ve been divorced twice, and in the most recent course, I benefited from some of the simple, accessible, and yet transformative exercises and activities that Stephanie has devised. I was in fact not interested in writing my divorce story, but in the course, I wrote a short version of it which was incredibly powerful and useful for me, as I sifted through it to figure out what I DID wish to include in my manuscript.

    Dr. Han’s guide is great for several reasons: her empowering rationale, her explication of the power of story, her super useful framing questions, like with her Master Narrative schema, and all of this is presented in a tone that blends the friendly and personal with the more academic and instructional. Well worth it!

  18. PPB

    Dr. Stephanie Han’s interview on NPR profoundly affected me and the way I approached my high conflict divorce. Hopeful that I could find a way through enormous chaos, anxiety and cognitive dissonance, I took her seminar “BREAK” on-line. I was not disappointed. Seldom does life shift so dramatically in the face of trauma and heart-ache. I couldn’t have asked for a better, or more timely resource than the release of her guide “BREAK” as I grow closer to a court date. Please read this book and share with anyone you know who would benefit from the strength and truth in Stephanie’s words. She is a force!

  19. Sheila Gallien

    The challenge with trying to write about Dr. Han’s work is that her language is so accurate and compressed, I simply want to quote her (and I do), but I also want to bookend her brilliance with the reasons you should read her book, whether or not you are considering divorce.

    First, every word in this book empowers, educates, inspires, uplifts, sees, hears, nourishes, cherishes, encourages, inspires, coaches, and teaches women to live our most honest, fearless lives.

    The sentences that struck me (nearly) dumb were these:

    “The stories that determine how we live today were not written by women. Through the very act of giving birth, women have founded every group, tribe, community, country, nation, ohana, family, village and society across the globe, and, yet, in almost every aspect of their lives, women remain obedient to words written by men…It is simply astounding that women exist in a framework that we have not invented, but fiercely maintain.”

    As we are percolating in the awfulness of this truth, Dr. Han then takes our hand and teaches us what stories are, how they have formed us, how explicit and implicit narratives influence shame, expectations, beliefs, and behaviors. She walks us through a structure to decode our chapters, our subtext, always gently holding (sometimes tugging) our hand to keep us moving, unfolding. Her own revelation gives us permission to reveal ourselves, and to break apart her pages and fill them with our own, rising from our ashes as the heroine of our own journeys.

    It’s so good.

    Just read it.

  20. Shymala Dason

    I have never come across a resource quite like this. If I’d had it when I got divorced thirty-plus years ago, it would have helped navigate the devastation and self-blame that came from the social expectations and reactions around me. Fiercely compassionate, scholarly and yet very practical, it provides a starting point to reclaim and rebuild erased selves. I found my way, over many years, to the questions Stephanie provides as starting points. If you are a women in marital difficulties, or if you know someone who is, read this.

  21. Shaheen Sheik-Sadhal

    It’s no wonder Oprah Daily featured Dr. Stephanie Han’s “Break: How to Write Your Divorce Story.” She artfully champions women taking control of our narratives – our beginnings and our re-beginnings. She walks us through what a divorce story is and why we must write them in digestible, emotionally connected vignettes. She also has a hand on our back all along the way with a step-by-step guide as we begin our journey on the page. In teaching us to write our stories, Dr. Han shows us how to put the spotlight back on what matters to us and in doing so, tip the balance of power in our favor. Thank you and brava, Dr. Han!

  22. T. Adams

    Dr. Stephanie Han’s “BREAK: How to Write Your Divorce Story” is a groundbreaking, feminist resource that is not only invaluable to women contemplating, seeking, or negotiating a divorce, but any woman who wishes to contemplate, frame or reframe, question or rethink their role and value as part of a heteronormative marriage. The result of Dr. Han’s step-by-step guide is the creation of a highly personal and practical record of perhaps one of the most fraught experiences of one’s life, the dissolution of a marriage, that could not only benefit the outcome of divorce proceedings, but also help reclaim oneself.

  23. Gail Vida Hamburg

    Divorce is a death like any other, but the burial site of a dead marriage is the psyche of the wounded spouse. Inevitably, turning the body into a coffin for one’s grief is the road to self-immolation. Dr. Stephanie Han transmutes the pain and wreckage of her own divorce into a healing path that led to her flourishing, thriving present.She did this by writing her own divorce story–a post-mortem of her marriage and its dissolution with the sharpest of forensic skills. This book is a manual and a guide for those leaving marriages long absent of love, tenderness, care, and inspiration. It asks the divorced spouse to reclaim her own personhood through the power of story. A virtuoso writer and writing teacher, Dr. Han shares the essential tools for etching onto paper, the story of one’s divorce. I highly recommend this book

    – Gail Vida Hamburg, author,
    Liberty Landing & The Edge of the World

  24. Yee Yip

    “ The best road map that guided me with a gentle yet firm touch on how to write and document a most difficult and challenging time of my life.”

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