BREAK: Write Your Divorce Story Aug. 9 FRI. 12-2PM (HST); Aug TUES. 20 9-11AM (HST)


Break: Write Your Divorce Story Workshop

This 2hour class is designed for women with limited time who want the basic fundamentals of how to write a divorce story for their personal/legal file. The workshop will introduce how and why the narrative of marriage, divorce, family, and gender affect women’s understanding and perception of self and divorce. It is suitable for any stage of divorce. 

You will also be provided with the Divorce Story Structure – this will enable you to write your divorce story for your personal/legal file on your own.

The origins of the Divorce Story Structure:

The Divorce Story Structure was developed as a result of my counsel asking me to write the story of my marriage/divorce. Writing my divorce story, submitting it to my legal file, and storing it as a personal record shifted the outcome of my divorce across all arenas. It was key to moving forward in my life. The divorce story states the truth about who you were and how you navigated the world. It reflects your past beliefs and obliges a shifted authorial perspective on divorce. I developed the Divorce Story Structure to write my own story and this is the tool that I present in class.

Having taught writing for many years, I know that structure enables individuals to write with more confidence. When you brave writing your truth to power, the reader knows. Divorce Story Structure changed my life, I know it can do the same for you.  

–Dr. Stephanie Han

Note that you may book this class for a private session for your organization or group.

You don’t have to be a writer to write your divorce story. You simply have to be a woman who wants to tell her truth.

Write your truth to power.

Attendees qualify for a 10% discount on classes or consultations.

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  1. Nick Shigeoka

    Normally, Dr. Stephanie Han offers this class only to women, but she was gracious enough to offer me a 1 on 1 version of the class to me (a man). I work as a divorce attorney and wanted to gain a better perspective on the experience of women as they face down their divorce, and I feel I gained exactly that.

    Dr. Stephanie examines the history of writing itself- in terms of its facilitation of business and law, both of which have historically been, and largely still are male dominated. Further, she explores how language, vocabulary, and the process of writing one’s own Divorce Story is a key component to facing adversity and self-actualization in divorce.

    Keeping the trauma of divorce internally contained and repressed can be too much for any one person to handle, so the process of writing the Divorce Story helps to cope, find peace, and produce a document with actual legal, persuasive power. I highly recommend the class to anyone contemplating or facing divorce.

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